Ensembles and Lessons

The Department of Music offers opportunities for every student who is interested in music.  Whether through performing in an ensemble, band, or choral concert or attending one, we want to involve everyone.

One of the premiere private, liberal arts colleges in New England, Providence College boasts a Department of Music that supports many ensembles (including two choirs, symphonic winds, two jazz bands, orchestra, and chamber strings), several small ensembles (from the more traditional quartets and quintets to an early music ensemble, jazz combo, piano ensemble, and new music ensemble), opera workshop, master-classes, and tours.  All ensembles are open to students of any major. Whether your dream is to sing with the Metropolitan Opera, win a Grammy, perform with a world-class orchestra, become a music educator, lead musical worship, pursue a graduate degree in applied or academic music, or perform on Broadway, Providence College is a fantastic place to get an education and get started. We’re glad to tell you about our program and our alumni—PC grads who have done all of the above.


Jeffrey Hoyer, B.S., Director – jhoyer@providence.edu

This group performs for athletic and college events and community service performances.  Rehearsals are required and focus on ensemble musicianship.  Music to be performed comes from a variety of sources: school songs, rock and popular music and other styles appropriate to each situation.  All students with an instrumental background are welcome; new members who do not already play a brass or rhythm section instrument will need to sign one out and learn to play it.


Sang Woo Kang, D.M.A. Director – skang1@providence.edu

This ensemble incorporates musicians who play an orchestral instrument. Previous experience with a string instrument is required. The ensemble will explore a wide range of repertoire for orchestra from Baroque to contemporary music. The orchestra will also perform in concerts sponsored by the Music Department during each semester of the academic year.
Rehearsals: Tuesday 7:00-9:30


Eric Melley, D.M.A., Director emelley@providence.edu

This band performs serious concert music for winds and percussion including works of the great British and American band composers of the Modern period as well as orchestral transcriptions from the earlier style periods of music. Students will rehearse regularly and perform in concert each semester. Rehearsals will include ensemble development and stylistic performance appropriate to the pieces being performed. Open to all students with a prior instrumental background; placement by director.
Rehearsals: Tuesday & Thursday 5:15-6:30 pm


Krishan Oberoi, D.M.A., Director koberoi@providence.edu

Opera Workshop will introduce students to the complete process of preparation for the performance of musical drama.  Through work on scenes from serious and light operas, students will gain experience in musical preparation, development of dramatic characterization, stage movement and blocking, ensemble, and performance.  Scenes will be presented in a final public performance at the end of the term.
Offered Fall Semester
Rehearsals: Tuesday ~ 4:30-7:00 pm

*MSC 342 JAZZ BAND  Section 001

Eric Melley,  D.M.A, Director emelley@providence.edu  

This group performs jazz from the modern jazz period, swing era, bebop era, and other style periods of jazz. Students will be given experiences in stylistic performance of large and small group jazz. Instrumentalists interested in jazz who play saxophone, trumpet, trombone, or a rhythm section instrument are encouraged to enroll. Other instrumentalists and singers should consult the instructor before enrolling. Students will rehearse regularly and perform each semester. Placement by group audition.
Rehearsals: Monday & Wednesday 4:00-5:15 pm

*MSC 347 Providence College Chorus

Krishan Oberoi, D.M.A., Director koberoi@providence.edu

Providence College Chorus is the Department of Music’s curricular vocal ensemble, performing in a wide range of collaborative events both on and off campus. Singers in PC Chorus learn a diverse repertoire of choral and vocal music in an environment that fosters cooperation, musical growth and development of healthy vocal technique.
Rehearsals: Monday & Wednesday 5:30 -6:45 pm

MSC 447 – I Cantori  –

Krishan Oberoi, D.M.A., Director koberoi@providence.edu

An auditioned choral ensemble at Providence College, I Cantori studies and performs an extensive amount of music suited specifically for the smaller mixed-voice ensemble.  Participation in I Cantori is expected for the full academic year.
Rehearsals: Monday & Wednesday 6:45 -8:00 pm


Groups of 3-12 players, can include string quartet, woodwind quartet, brass quintet, flute quartet, piano trios, contemporary music ensemble, and other combinations of players.  Audition and permission of appropriate instructor required.


William Longo, D.M.A. – wlongo1@providence.edu

Small group jazz and jazz-rock for rhythm section and winds- Groups may cover music of any jazz style period; New Orleans, swing, bebop, cool school, hard bop, modal, fusion or modern.  New for fall 2010: Funk Ensemble; music of Tower of Power, Brecker Brothers, Earth, Wind and Fire et al.; Audition and permission of instructor required.


Catherine Gordon Ph.D, Director  cgordon@providence.edu

In this ensemble, vocal and instrumental students will have the opportunity to explore and perform a wide variety of repertoire from the Renaissance, Baroque and Classical periods.  Compositions will be chosen based on the instruments and voices of the students who register for the ensemble.  Audition or permission of the instructor required.

Applied Lessons are open to the entire campus community

These are private lessons open to the entire campus community; instructors teach once a week on a one-to-one basis. Lessons do not count as a fifth course. There is an additional fee for these lessons. Students must register in the Music Department (Smith Center for the Arts G04)

Instructors teach once a week on a one-to-one basis.  Lessons do not count as a fifth course. The Department of Music at Providence College boasts one of the most comprehensive training programs for singers and instrumentalists at the undergraduate level. The most important aspect of the program is the weekly private lesson with faculty. The low student-to-teacher ratio allows teachers to serve as advisors and mentors. Performance opportunities abound in solo, ensemble and dramatic settings. At least one solo recital is required as the capstone of the program for music and music education majors, and students have the option of performing non-required recitals. Frequent studio recitals, master classes, and opera scene workshops are scheduled, and PC supports eight ensembles and several small ensembles that perform every semester. Language instruction and elective opportunities are critical aspects of the study.

Catherine Gordon, Ph.D. – Chair

Smith Center for the Arts G05