Prospective Students

Prospective Students

In Person Audition Dates for the Class of 2029

Saturday, November 9
Saturday, December 7
Saturday, January 25

Prospective Students who intend to major in Music, Music Education, Liturgical Music and Musical Theatre Track are required to complete the form below. For those who would like to major in Music Technology and Production, please complete the form below and contact for additional information.

Audition Submission Form

Previous Years of Study:

Ensemble Participation (years):

Acceptance by Providence College Admissions is imperative. Once you have passed our audition process, and once you are admitted to Providence  College , you may declare music or music education or musical theatre:music track as your major. 



Six Gail Himrod, O.P. Music Scholarships are available for incoming music majors for $23,000 per year for four years.  To be considered, prospective students must audition with the music department. Audition requirements can be found here. You must also fill out the audition submission form to schedule a date for your audition. 


Parking is available at the Providence College Eaton Street parking lot directly adjacent to the Smith Center on the southeast corner of campus. Use #61 Eaton Street as the destination address for the lot. Please use the main entrance in front of the Smith Center for events and auditions.

Catherine Gordon, Ph.D. – Chair

Smith Center for the Arts G05